It seems like every time you turn around there is a new JJ Abrams project in development.
Sure enough, the veteran Hollywood direct has managed to clinch a new show no less than two weeks before the official debut of Revolution on September 17, while also signing a five year TV deal, which means there’s going to be plenty of JJ on the small screen in the near future.

I’ve lost cost of how many Abrams TV shows this makes in development, but we’ll try and get an exact number for you in a minute, and of course, he’s got Star Trek 2 coming next May 17, which is going to be the major geek event of next summer.
Sure enough, there is a blog known as JJAbambramsProjects, and going back to June, there’s a movie called God Particle, another flick called Wunderkind, yet another movie called Collider he’s going to be doing with Edgar Wright, a disaster film dubbed Earthquake, and now a new drama for Fox that just got announced that will bring Abrams back with J.H. Wyman, the producer of Fringe. (It’s also easy to forget that Abrams already had one new show already come and go this year, Alcatraz).
As TV Guide tells us, it’s a drama that takes place, as the cliché goes, in the not too distant future, much like Revolution, which is set fifteen years from now. In this new series, which is currently untitled, police of the future are paired with robotic cop partners, and that’s about all we know so far.
There’s no word yet on when the show’s going to start shooting, or when it could potentially air, but if Revolution takes off, I’m sure Fox will want JJ’s latest to be up and running ASAP. And as Deadline reports, Abrams has just inked a three year development and production deal at Warner Brothers Television, where his company, Bad Robot Productions, has been set up since 2006. He’s also renewed his deal with Paramount, and both agreements will run until 2015.

Now as for Star Trek 2, we recently ran a story on Chris Pine, the new model Captain Kirk, who promised that in the new movie “The threat is even greater in this once. The force [the Enterprise crew] are met with is much more frightening.” Now Zachary Quinto, the new model Spock, also promised The Wrap the next Trek is indeed going to be “bigger and bolder than the first one, and that was pretty big and bold from my standpoint. I’m really excited to see what they do with it.”
Quinto added, “I feel like my work is done on the movie right now, and I let JJ and his incredible team of people get in there and do the work that they need to do now… I feel very fulfilled… I have faith in the people that I was collaborating with to make it as good as it can be.”