When Edgar Wright fist came on the scene with Shaun of the Dead, it was clear the director was a terrific new talent.
His subsequent flicks, especially Scott Pilgrim vs the World, prove Wright is living up to that promise. The director also co-wrote the screenplay for Spielberg and Jackson’s The Adventures of Tintin, and I still think he did the absolutely best part of Grindhouse, the fake trailer for Don’t.

Frankly, why the brain trust at Miramax never put this one on any of the official DVD is beyond me, again it’s one of the only things worth watching in Grindhouse, although I wouldn’t recommend paying twenty bucks for three good minutes. But I digress.
And now with the help of JJ Abrams, who has his hands in so many things genre these days, Wright is back with a whole new project. As Deadline tells us, this one’s dubbed “Collider” and set up with Abrams’s company Bad Robot at Paramount. Apparently, Wright’s writing the script with Mark Protosevich, who also scripted I Am Legend, Thor, the upcoming remake of Oldboy, and the (possibly) upcoming Jurassic Park IV.
And as I’m sure you’ve guessed by now, considering this is a JJ Abrams project, good luck getting even a one sentence plot-line. In the meantime, Wright is working on a big screen version of Marvel’s Ant-Man, and he’s also got another flick he’s finishing up, The World’s End. The wonderful geek site Collider (no relation to the movie) tells us World’s End is the last of his “blood and ice cream trilogy” and Nick Frost and Simon Pegg are back starring as well.
World’s End is reportedly a science fiction comedy, and World’s End is the name of a bar in the film, where Frost and Pegg end up after bouncing around from pub to pub. We have absolutely no idea what happens at World’s End, but you get the feeling the name could be reminiscent of The Slaughtered Lamb in An American Werewolf in London. In other words, the name of this place could end up being quite prophetic. (Hell, they should have gone to TGIFridays instead).
If Collider comes together, and if Wright can give us Ant-Man as well, we of the geek elite are more than happy to welcome him back when his next opuses are ready.