It’s truly amazing that security on The Dark Knight Rises set has been so effectively maintained.
Although it’s agonizing waiting to see if the movie really delivers or not, it’s probably a good thing we really won’t know until it hits theaters.

You may have seen that when Anne Hathaway was on David Letterman, he may or may not have blurted out a big spoiler from the film. If you haven’t read about this or heard about it elsewhere, we won’t repeat it in a million years (or at least another week), but as People reported, there’ve been a few angry geek tweets, and the conclusion it’s not going put a dent in the film’s success. And although I didn’t see the segment myself, Letterman apparently said he liked the movie.
In the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly, Christian Bale was asked what he thought of the ending when he read the script, and he responded, “I don’t know how to answer it without ruining the ending for people,” but he did confirm he liked it when he read it.
He also added that apparently like they’ve done with Spider-Man, “they’re going to rejuvenate it soon, and I’ll have to be watching someone else play it. I’ll be fascinated to see which what they go, what choices that actor makes.”
Christopher Nolan himself told EW that any mention of the Joker in the film was absolutely off limits out of respect to Heath Ledger, and that influences he drew on included the sci-fi classic Metropolis, Doctor Zhivago, and Blade Runner. Metropolis and Blade Runner especially make sense with their utopia gone made point of view Nolan’s also adapted to Gotham City.
He also watched a number of third films, including Return of the King, to try and formulate how to craft a memorable third Batman. Yet unlike Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, which were all shot at once, “I made the decision to do one film at a time,” Nolan said. “Put everything into that film, but with some eye to what a trilogy could be.”
However the series will end, as co-screenwriter David Goyer recently said it was planned to end this way from the beginning. And we at TG all hope the third film will cap everything off nicely, because Team Nolan and Bale are insisting they’re done with Batman for good after this. “It’s time to move on,” Nolan concluded.