Dan Aykroyd simply refuses to give up on continuing one of the most beloved genre comedies in history.
The very fact that Akroyd is doing everything he can to bring Ghostbusters back once again is either very admirable or delusional, however you want to look at it, and now the script has a new writer that could help keep it alive.

At first Aykroyd said he’d bring on a new writing team to give the script a whirl, and now reports indicate it’s one writer in particular, Etan Cohen, who also co-wrote the script for Men in Black 3. (Maybe they figured he’d work magic on three-peats?)
As ScienceFiction.com notes, originally the writing team of Lee Eisenberg and Gene Stupnitsky worked on the script, now Cohen’s coming in, although no one’s sure if it’s going be a standard reworking, a polish, or if he’s going to start over from scratch, which is usually called a “page one re-write” in the biz.
In any case, we’ve read many previous reports about Ghostbusters 3 before, and even if the script’s in shape, it’s certainly going to be tough to get all the old gang back together. Remember, Rick Moranis is retired from the business, and Bill Murray has famously made it clear to Aykroyd he doesn’t want to do another Ghostbusters go-around.
So the fact that Sony’s willing to bring on more screenwriters shows there’s definite interest on their part to try and get Ghostbusters 3 up and running, and maybe after the successful reboot of The Amazing Spider-Man they want to try and reboot Ghostbusters as well.
Personally, I didn’t think a Spider-Man reboot would fly, although some friends told me they laughed in the theater and said, “Didn’t we see this movie ten years ago?” If we could sit in the theaters and say, “Didn’t we see this movie back in ’84?,” and in a good way, that would definitely be great, but again, with anything Ghostbusters, don’t hold your breath.