Diablo III has certainly experienced more than its fair share of issues since launch day.
Early on, overwhelming demand causing servers to crash, while security allegations were brought to the fore with some users claiming their accounts had been hacked. Nevertheless, the long-awaited title still landed at the top of the video game sales charts.

Now new issues pertaining to the Real Money Auction House, or RMAH have been reported.
Multiple complaints were recently posted on official Diablo III forums, including one by user KetMalice2, who claims he bid on an item set at zero dollars on the RMAH.
When he checked the bank account the next day, RMAH had registered an unathorized charge of $149. KetMalice2 says he called Blizzard multiple times before successfully getting someone on the phone to talk to. Once speaking to a Blizzard rep, he was told the gaming company had aopted a “hands-off” policy regarding the RMAH and there was nothing that could be done about the overcharge. A dispute with the credit card company could be filed, says KetMalice2, although some users believe their accounts were banned for filing a claim.
Another user going by the name Xres says he put $200 into his BattleNet account and purchased some gear. After a couple of transactions, his account was effectively locked down, which Blizzard attributed to the user entering the wrong region during a security check.
And yet another Diablo III gamer claims he called the FBI to report Blizzard for wire fraud – after failing to receive payment for a $49.99 RMAH transaction.