A trio of downloadable PS3 titles will be making their way to retail stores for the first time.
The small development studio known as thatgamecompany has pioneered a vision of redefining what a “video game” is. Its creations like Flow and Flower certainly have structure, gameplay mechanics, and goals to accomplish.

But ask anyone what the story of either of these games is, or what happens if you die in the game, and you’ll be waiting a long time for a solid response. That’s because neither of those questions can easily be answered.
The company’s latest creation is a downloadable game called Journey. The company’s creations are truly unique, and even though they may not be like anything you’ve ever played before, a lot of gamers – casual to hardcore – are becoming enamored with thatgamecompany’s style.
So for the first time, it is branching out of the niche reach of the PlayStation Store and bringing its creations to a retail PS3 game that will launch later this summer for $29.99.
Although the title is “Journey: Collector’s Edition,” and it will be marketed as a retail version of the developer’s latest game, it includes complete editions of both Flow and Flower, as well as bonus content across all three games.
In addition, customers who buy the retail disc will receive a free month of PlayStation Plus. No doubt Sony is banking on both newcomers to the franchise and the die-hard fans to make this venture profitable.