Some CinemaCon 2012 footage, like The Dark Knight Rises and Total Recall, went over very well, while The Hobbit received very mixed notices because it was shot with a new technology, 48 frames a second.
Fox CEO Tom Rothman talked about the studio’s upcoming genre films with Collider at the annual event in Las Vegas. He said that whether Prometheus was PG-13 or R, the movie would hit theaters with no compromise.

He also confirmed that in addition to a new Planet of the Apes flick, there’s plans for reboots of The Fantastic Four and Daredevil, along with a sequel to the found footage superhero flick, Chronicle, a (gasp!) original film that did very well early this year.
Fox is reportedly interested in having Josh Trank, the director of Chronicle, work on Fantastic Four, and as Rothman said, “Josh is gonna come on and work on a take, or a vision, that he has for it, so we’re very excited about that.” Trank is also apparently being eyed for a Venom movie, which Hunger Games director Gary Ross was also going to helm at one point as well.
Rothman added that a Daredevil reboot is in development, with David Slade, the director of 30 Days of Night, currently on board to potentially helm the film (Brad Caleb Kane from Fringe already did some work on the script). However, Rothman is very excited about one of Fox’s biggest franchises, Die Hard, and the fifth John McClane film is called A Good Day to Die Hard.
This Die Hard has McClane and son working together.
”It’s really a father-son story,” Rothman said. “McClane’s been a great cop his whole life but he’s been a pretty lousy father.” Once McClane gets back in touch with his son, he realizes, “the apple has not fallen far from the tree,” Rothman says.
”The son is a badder ass John McClane than John McClane.” Rothman also finally promises, “it’s a classic, classic Die Hard,” and audiences wouldn’t expect anything less.