As we’ve been reporting in recent weeks, fan anticipation for The Avengers is borderline insane.
Tracking is even stronger than both The Dark Knight Rises and The Hunger Games. The first reviews also came in this weekend, and the film is apparently a big winner that should knock audiences out when it’s released on May 4.

Interestingly enough, the foreign market for movies right now is stronger than US, and both The Avengers, as well as Battleship, are being released on foreign shores before they hit theaters domestically.
Unsurprisingly, the news just hit on Deadline that the film is currently breaking records overseas.
The Avengers came out on April 25 in Australia, and as Nikki Finke writes, the movie is “hattering box office records overseas. The pic has been tracking incredibly high because so many well-known characters are coming together for the first time.”
As for the film’s debut in the States, which will certainly be enormous, Deadline continues, “Exactly how much the studio can gross for the first weekend depends on how many screenings each theater can pack into 72 hours by finding enough staff willing to work the extra hours and keep the pic running continuously.”
And indeed, when a movie’s a big hit, there can often be all night screenings to meet demand, and it wouldn’t surprise me if this happens with The Avengers.
It’s also great to see Robert Downey Jr., one of our finest actors, back as Tony Stark / Iron Man, but as he told Foxnews, it’s clearly not all about him, nor was it all about him in Iron Man.
“Personally, the Iron Man series so far has always been about making space for others and collaborating. It’s Tony’s quote-unquote story, but it’s always about all the folks we get around him who are kind of what make him interesting or give him someone or something to fight.”