The news has just broken that The Avengers is indeed a terrific film, and should do mega business when it hits theaters on May 4.
It’s certainly got to be a triumphant moment for Joss Whedon, who loves superheros and delivered what looks to be the ultimate Marvel film.

So with superhero films about to have a huge summer, there’s been a lot of movement on the hero front, including the news that the next Dark Knight trailer will be playing before The Avengers, which is quite interesting as they are actually produced by rival comic companies, Marvel and DC.
But as a Warner Brothers source just told Deadline, “We see this placement as a good strategic decision. We always want our trailers to be seen with films that people want to see – and a lot of people will be going to The Avengers.”
And as Deadline points out, The Dark Knight trailer had played before Iron Man previously. One of the big plusses for The Avengers is the movie’s bringing Iron Man back after the lackluster second film, and it’s also reportedly the best big screen Hulk. I know, not saying much, but if this one didn’t do justice to the character, it would have been three strikes, yer out.
As we’ve reported here on TG, Ben Kingsley is up for a villain role in Iron Man 3, and now the the news hits that Guy Pearce is up for a role in the film as well. I remember first seeing Pearce, along with Russell Crowe, in L.A. Confidential. I thought they were both good in the film, and although Crowe’s gone much further, Pearce did star in Memento, and he would also be a welcome addition to the next Iron Man flick.
Pearce is also in Prometheus, which every genre fan is dying to watch this June, and we should be seeing him in Iron Man 3, along with Robert Downey Jr., Ben Kingsley, Gweneth Paltrow, and Don Cheadle, May 3, 2013. (The shoot starts next month, with Lethal Weapon scribe Shane Black directing).