Sony is teasing a few new reasons for you to go out and buy a Playstation Vita.
Okay, maybe this won’t really be enough to motivate anyone to plunk down $250 for the new system, but it is nice to see Sony working hard to add more value to the device, which to date has not met its expectations.

Sony plans to launch a handful of new non-gaming apps for the Vita, to show off that it’s more than just a video game device. Much like the PS3 and Xbox 360 are powerful media devices – not just game consoles.
Tomorrow, the app Paint Park will be available for download. “Using PS Vita’s touchscreen to make and share drawings; you can doodle, sketch and scribble quickly and easily with the virtual markers and on-screen colour palette.”
“The PS Vita’s front and rear cameras can play a part too, as you can take pictures and add your own creative imaginings to them,” Sony wrote in an official blog post.
Players can then share their creations through WiFi or over a local wireless connection if they happen to be near another Vita owner.
The other two apps that are scheduled to be released include Treasure Park, which Sony describes as “an application that allows you to create your own puzzles to challenge your friends with. It’s a great way to connect with friends and other PS Vita users, as you can use the near application and 3G to find puzzles to play and share your own, wherever you are.”
And finally, “Wake Up Club will also be available this summer. This application turns your PS Vita into an alarm clock that can sync up with other PS Vita users who set their alarm for the same time.”
So clearly Sony wants to turn the Vita into a more social, connected, more-than-just-video-games device. These apps are a step in that direction.