The bigography of Steve Jobs, written by Walter Issacson, has sold like hotcakes, prompting Sony to pick up the rights for a feature film.

Of course, as it generally goes in Hollywood, you can count on at least two movies about the same topic turning up within weeks, or even days of each other.
So it comes as little surprise that an independent film about Steve Jobs to be directed by Joshua Michael Stern, who previously helmed “Swing Vote,” has landed none other than Ashton Kutcher for the coveted lead role.
Variety says the film will follow Jobs’ life from “wayward hippie to co-founder of Apple,” which makes it sound more like a prequel of sorts, or what Steve did before he started Apple with Steve Wozniak.
Production is expected to kick off in May, when Kutcher takes some time off from Two and a Half Men. The project is being backed financially by Mark Hulme, who is also producing film. Of course, the last time we saw Kutcher in a feature film was “New Year’s Eve” and before that, he appeared in “No Strings Attached.”
Director Stern’s feature film debut was in 2005 with “Neverwas” followed by “Swing Vote.” Personally, I’m not sure what to think about Kutcher in a film like this, as he’s definitely a better fit for comedic roles.
The indie Steve Jobs movie does not yet have a release date, so no telling when it will be hitting theaters, but we can probably expect it sooner rather than later.