With The Pirates of the Caribbean series, Rango, and the upcoming big screen adaptation of The Lone Ranger, Gore Verbinski is currently one of the hottest directors in the world.
In addition to hooking up again with Johnny Depp for Ranger, Verbinski is also hoping to make waves in the gaming world.

As Variety reports, Verbinski’s made a deal with Microsoft where he’s already got a video game in development for a projected late 2012 release.
Verbinski maintains his own interactive company, Blind Wink, which is developing the game under his own umbrella, with The Hollywood Reporter saying it will be an Xbox LIVE arcade game made specifically for the Kinect.
“As an idea house, we at Blind Wink are looking forward to our partnership with Microsoft,” Verbinski told Variety.
And as Microsoft Studios general manager Matt Booty told The Reporter, “Xbox 360 gamers can look forward to innovative and creative games from the mind of Gore Verbinski that explore new and exciting gaming territory and take full advantage of [all] our platforms.”
It’s also interesting to note that at one point Verbinski was going to direct the big screen version of Bioshock, with a script by John Logan, who wrote Rango for the director, and also did some work on the current James Bond movie, which is now filming.
According to Empire Online, it came close to getting made at Unviersal, but FilmschoolRejects claims Verbinski wouldn’t tone the material down in exchange for a PG-13 rating instead of an R.
Of course, there were also budget concerns, much like there were budget concerns on The Lone Ranger, which after some cost cuttings finally got the green light after it was shut down by Disney.