Fox has posted a number of featurettes for Fringe fans who are missing a new episode this week.
The series is in the midst of its final season, a thirteen-episode long story of revolution, revenge, and redemption. The Observers have stopped observing and invaded our world from the future. The Fringe team has a plan to stop them, but they don’t know what it is, and rediscovering all of the elements and components of that plan is taking up each of the episodes, sometimes introducing cool new fringe-science elements, and sometimes revisiting elements from past seasons.
It’s been the best season so far, despite a slow start and a bit of divergence from the themes and adventures of the previous seasons. Even if you’ve not seen the show before, this story is worth checking out. However, the show is on a very short hiatus this week.
Fringe will be back next week, but in the meantime, we are presenting this collection of short, official teaser clips. The first two are from the Noble Intentions featurette series in which John Noble, who plays Walter on the show, discusses elements of particular episodes.
The remaining are each excerpts from various interviews with the other actors on a variety of topics. As usual, the most interesting material is from Jasika Nicole, who plays Astrid, as she recalls her own experiences from a past episode and how it connects to the current storyline. Also included is a clip from Joshua Jackson regarding the odd role he’s had to play this season with a character that is making a dramatic transition.
The fifth and final season of Fringe is airing on Friday evenings on Fox. You can catch up with the show over on Amazon Instant. The final episode airs on January 18, 2013.