No, J.K. Rowling isn’t writing another Harry Potter book, although she’s been trying to make it in the adult book world with her recent novel A Casual Vacancy.
But there is a special edition box set of books coming for Harry Potter die-hards who followed the whole saga from novel to major movie franchise.

As Entertainment Weekly tells us, this is an eight volume book set titled Harry Potter: Page to Screen: The Complete Journey. (Yes, there’s two colons in the title, even though it may not be grammatically correct).
The set is designed to look like a stocked shelf at a magical bookshop, and one of the books in the volume is a replica of The Monster Book of Monsters, complete with teeth. (Looks a little like The Book of the Dead from the Evil Dead series).
The volumes included in this series include Harry Potter: Page to Screen, The Creature Shop Compendium, Environments Envisioned, which deals with the sets and locations, Movie Magic, which deals with props and special effects, and Ten Years Later: Life on Set with the Harry Potter Cast and Crew. (There’s also a portfolio of Harry Potter prints suitable for framing).
As one report tells us, six of the books are about the departments that all come together to make a film, the seventh is a personal look behind the bonding between cast and crew over the years, and the last one on the shelf is the fun souvenir, the Monster Book with its fangs bared.
There are only going to be 3,000 editions of this book, and it’s at a true die-hard price of $1,000. Yes, that’s not a misprint, $1,000, but you can get one at a 40% discount on Amazon for $600 right now on pre-order. The official release date through Amazon Publishing is December 4, 2012. At either price, it’s certainly lot of money for a box set, but if you have to have it, you have to have it.
Like Star Wars, the legacy of Harry Potter will continue on for a long time, and it doesn’t need a new book or movie to keep it going for future generations. (Come to think of it, neither does Star Wars for that matter). But if you’re a true die-hard with the cash to spare, this should be a nice memento of Harry’s legacy, and how it took off from the printed page to the silver screen.