Love it or hate it, 3D is probably going to stick around for a while, especially now that Life of Pi has been garnering rave reviews for significantly enhancing what’s already considered a remarkable story.
While Pi may not seem like the sort of film that would be a natural for 3D, one movie that does seem a perfect fit for the format is Independence Day.

Honestly, I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for ID4 and enjoyed the film because it’s pure fun and didn’t take itself very seriously. I was actually intrigued of the thought of ID4 getting a 3D transfer, except now it’s apparently on hold.
As we recently reported on TG, ID4 in 3D was supposed to hit theaters next July 3, where it was slated to go up against The Lone Ranger with Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp, but without giving a reason, Fox removed it from its schedule. Hitfix speculates it could have something to do with the new film from ID4 co-director Roland Emmerich, White House Down, and the new Will Smith movie, After Earth, with both projects sporting release dates close to when ID4 3D was originally scheduled to go live.
As we recently reported on TG, there was also the announcement of two long awaited sequels to ID4, and who knows if the ID4 3D postponement will have any effect on them getting made or not. (Total Film tells us the sequels are going to be called ID Forever Part I and II.)
Again, no official word yet on why ID4 3D is on hold, but there’s going to be plenty of 3D conversions coming next year regardless, including two big ones from Fox, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, which hits theaters on September 20, 2013 and October 11, 2013 respectively, along with Jurassic Park 3D on April 5, 2013.