BBC One has posted a new trailer for the upcoming season of Doctor Who.
The new season of Doctor Who will see the loss of the current companions, Amy and Rory, and the introduction of new characters (whose origins still shrouded in mystery), one of which will played by Jenna-Louise Coleman.
This trailer only covers the first half of the season, which is slated to be split by a holiday episode, where Coleman’s character will be introduced. It contains a few less spoliers than the last trailer, and it is probably more of a teasing reel, rather than a true synopsis of the plot:
it seems like the show runners have really gone to some cool places with the plots this time around, and though I’m still not sure so enthusiastic about bringing Amy and Rory back at all – I liked the way their story was concluded at the end of last season, and I don’t really want to see a bunch of marriage dramallama in my Doctor Who. Nevertheless, I’m getting used to the idea now, and it’s tough say ‘no’ to more Karren Gilliam on the screen, in any circumstance.
In addition, we’ve got some set espionage from the production of the holiday episode, in which the new companion will be introduced. One fan from got some decent photos of the cast in costume, and so we’ve got our first look at Jenna-Louise Coleman in her costume as Clara in Victorian England and Matt Smith as The Doctor sporting a soft top hat:

The new season of Doctor Who begins September 1st, 2012 on BBC One and BBC America. Due to BBC budgeting constraints, the season will be split across the new year.