Some details from the Doctor Who season seven opener have been published. Warning: spoilers ahead.

Doctor WhoTV posted the following details about the first episode of the new season, which was apparently collated from the casting call sheets for the villain roles in the episode:
- The pre-title sequence of the opener will reportedly see both Amy and Rory kidnapped by a pair of mysterious characters, believed to be working for the Daleks.
- One of them, Cassandra (played by Naomi Ryan), is sent to retrieve Amy, who is now a full-time model engaged in a photo shoot when she is taken.
- Another individual, who is posing as a London bus driver, teleports Rory away when he is on his way to the solicitor to file for divorce.
- Cassandra and the bus driver both appear to be human but transform into something else just before they take The Ponds.
As you may recall, we had already suspected there may be a divorce to thwart, with reports indicating The Doctor would be returning to help Amy and Rory to reconcile (and fight aliens). However, we now see there is a more direct reason for the reunion, as The Doctor must rescue the pair from a malevolent force.
Personally, I think the BBC should have left off the story of the Ponds as it was at the end of the last season. When that particular episode ended, I felt like the story had come to a satisfactory close. I’m honestly not quite sure what point it serves to put them in a few more episodes, but I guess Moffatt wants them to have a more dramatic exit. As such, the characters will be in the story until the fifth episode of the new season, which is slated to feature the Weeping Angels as the villains, with the new companion expected to be introduced during the holiday episode.
The new season of Doctor Who begins this fall. Due to BBC budgeting constraints, the season will be split across the new year.