We’ve certainly been hearing a lot of interesting news lately about genre pilots, and it looks like this fall will find television audiences awash in science fiction/fantasy programs.
Most recently, NBC announced that it had picked up Revolutionfrom Eric Kripke, the creator of the popular, and long running, CW show, Supernatural. The new series will be exec produced by J.J. Abrams and Bryan Burk of Bad Robot, which makes quite a team.

When we first reported on the nascent show a while back, we had no real hints as to what it would be about, but NBC recently released the following brief description:
“A high-octane action drama that follows a group of characters struggling to survive and reunite with loved ones in a world where all forms of energy have mysteriously ceased to exist.”
The concept reminds me a bit of the unfortunately short-lived Jericho from a few years ago, a community of people stuck in a world that had stopped working, but this description makes it sound like the laws of thermo dynamic have simply broken down.
As ambiguous as the description is, with no reasoning given at all for what has happened to the world’s energy, and as evocative as the title is, indicating some active plot on the part of some element, I feel like we’re in for another ‘big mystery’ show, which may further explain Abrams’ role in the franchise, being the apparent king of the ‘big mystery’ series.
It’s hard to get excited about a show we know so little about, but I do have a lot of trust in this team to create something compelling. Whether it will be demographically diverse enough in its appeal to keep a large audience share is yet to be seen, of course.
Expect to see the first episode during this falls pilot season on NBC. Don’t expect the name to stick, however: NBC already has a show called Revolution, so they’ll be wanting to change it.