88-year-old Stan Lee is a living legend of the comics industry.

A veteran of both Marvel and Timely, he was the innovator of comics who brought us some of the most compelling and artfully stories heroes in comics history.
Spider-Man, Iron Man, The X-Men, these were all Lee’s creations, and each of them were sophisticated characters with socially conscious stories and relatable emotions – concepts which were sorely lacking in comics up to that point.
More recently, Lee has been an advocate for author’s rights, a film consultant (and occasional cameo), and owner of a new comics studio, Purveyors of Wonder (POW!) where he does the kinds of projects he’d never been able to do while working for other’s studios
Lee is the subject of a new documentary, With Great Power: The Stan Lee Story, which covers his life, career, and influence on the industry through video, photographs, and lots of interviews, from industry pros who worked along-side the legend, to the actors who have played roles he created, and even celebrity comic book fans.
Indeed, there are interviews with a number notable personalities, including Tobey Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, Joe Simon, Patrick Stewart, Frank Miller, Samuel L. Jackson, Kevin Feige, Nicolas Cage, Ringo Starr, and Jon Favreau
Right now, Entertainment Weekly has the exclusive on the trailer, so you’ll have to watch it over there, but I’ll add it to this article as soon as it’s available for embedding.
The film will debut at the Sundance Film Festival in Utah on January 24, 2012.