Director David Dobkin has cast the leads for his upcoming film, Arthur and Lancelot.
According to Variety, Joel Kinnaman was chosen for the role of Lancelot, while Kit Harrington will be portraying Arthur.
Kinnaman is recognizable for his work outside of the genres in 2010’s Easy Money, and this year’s The Killing. He’s also appearing in the upcoming American adaptation of The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo.

Harrington brings a bit of sword-swinging experience to the film as his only role to date is as Robb Stark on the HBO adaptation of the Song of Ice and Fire novels, Game of Thrones.
To take the lead in a major Hollywood film is a huge step up, and if Harrington does as well as in the Game of Thrones, he’s got a solid career ahead of him.
The film’s budget has been set at $90 million, which seems a bit low, but as the story is not particularly hi-tech, I can see Dobkin getting away with it.
Arthur and Lancelot is based on Arthurian legend, and will cover the relationship between the young king and his greatest champion.
Likely, it will mostly revolve around Lancelot’s affair with Arthur’s queen, Guinevere, an action which, in the legends of history, always sparks some dramatic confrontation, though, like all aspects of the legend, it has many different variations.
The most famous version is the one in which Arthur exiles Lancelot and sends Guinevere to a convent.
Though no production dates have been announced, Arthur and Lancelot has flown headlong into pre-production, and filming will likely begin in the spring.