After allowing the film go through its entire production process without a title, Relativity Media recently announced its Snow White adaptation will be called Mirror Mirror, which seems a bit lackluster after all the waiting.
The comedy adventure finished filming this week, and will be going into post-production on track to hit its spring release date.

There are currently two Snow White adaptations in the works on roughly the same development schedule this year.
The other is Snow White and the Huntsman, staring Twilight leading lady Kristen Stewart, who has been shown in photographs to be a sort or warrior version of the classic character.
That film is intended to focus more closely on the princess’ relationship with the man who was intended as her executioner – though it’s already announced that she will still end up in the arms of the prince, as always.
Mirror Mirror, which stars Lily Collins as the Iconic milk-skinned maiden, will be a more traditional version of the character, but still a ‘dark twist’ on the story itself: Snow’s kingdom is in ruins, and she attempts to reclaim it with the help of seven stout men, and Prince Alcott, who is played by Armie Hammer.
“This is not your grandfather’s Snow White,” producer Brett Ratner proclaimed early on… His dwarves were miners, and here they are robbers. There is also a dragon that was in the original folk tale… [O]urs is edgy and there is more comedy. The [Disney version], made for its time, was soft compared to what we’re going to do.”
The film, which is directed by Tarsem Singh, stars Julia Roberts, Nathan Lane, and Sean Bean – who has seen much praise for his recent role in HBO’s Game of Thrones – in addition to Collins and Hammer.