James Mangold – director of the long-awaited Wolverine – recently revealed some pertinent details about the upcoming film to Playlist.

In the interview, Mangol compares the well-worked script to a comic book volume.
Meaning, the script doesn’t include a sprawling origin story or a huge number of characters, allowing him to depict a tale that really covers Wolverine, rather than focusing on so many tertiary elements.
It was only a few months ago that the original director of the film, Darren Arnofsky, dropped out due to other commitments and was replaced by Mangold.
In reference to the takeover, Mangold said, “I spoke to Darren a bit about it before I ended up taking it on, but I will tell you that when Darren stepped off, I was in the middle of doing a lot of other things, and when it was brought up to me, I actually didn’t even consider it.
“It was, ‘Oh, who wants to do that, and follow that’, and I could hear all of the media swirl about it… [Still], what I saw was some really promising material, and to me an interesting character played by a great friend of mine who’s a terrific actor, Hugh Jackman.”
He went on to compare the plot to movies such as TheOutlaw Josey Wales and Chinatown, films which took pop-culture phenomenon like Wolverine, and turned them into artistic and classic works. The insinuation is that The Wolverine will be more artfully styled than other super hero films.
Indeed, The Wolverine is going to see the popular character visiting Japan and interacting with Samurai, learning martial arts and probably kicking a few asses. Further plot details have not yet been officially released.
The Wolverine will hit theaters in the summer of 2013.