Online shopping is really popular now since it is convenient and quick. However, it can be pricey, much more expensive than what you initially thought. Do not blindly assume that everything is cheaper online. Some people will try to convince you that this is the case but in reality, many products and services will cost more when you buy them from the internet. Because of this, here are some tips that will help you to save as much money as you can when you shop online.
Coupon and Discount Voucher Codes
This is the one option that most savvy shoppers know about. Coupon websites such as Crowd Savers (UK) and Retail Me Not (US) will list various different coupon codes you can use for various retailers, ranging from the really large chain stores to the smaller online merchants.
Keep in mind that there are many coupon sites out there. They do not have the same deals so you will want to research all the options that are available for you. Through the use of coupon codes smart shoppers end up saving hundreds of dollars every single month, which is totally not negligible.
Using Social Networks for Better Deals
Most online stores and even many of the retail chains have social network profiles. You want to follow them. This is because of the fact that there are special sales that are offered on these networks. You can even find some special coupon codes that are not available anywhere else expect the store’s Facebook page.
Subscribe To Newsletters
You want to join email lists for all the favorite retailers that have such an option available for you. We say this because newsletter subscribers normally receive special offers through the emails that they get. In addition, when you first sign up for a newsletter you sometimes get a specific discount on the first order you will make. Here’s a good place to start but there are others to that will email you latest deals and offers.
Compare In-Store and Online Prices
Whenever this is possible, you want to compare the prices of the online store for one retailer to the price that is available in-store. In many cases these prices are different and contrary to what most people believe, it is not the online price that is always the best option. Also, in some cases there are campaigns that are only run in-store and that would help you to save a lot of cash. You can also use Google to compare prices from various online stores.
Smart Stacking Of Coupon Codes
Just as the name implies, coupon code stacking means that you can stack several codes in just one purchase. Whenever this option is available, you want to be really careful about how the stacking is done. Smart stacking basically means that you add the coupons in an order that maximizes saving. As an example, let’s say that you get a flat fee discount code and a code that offers a percentage discount. You want to first add the percentage code and then the flat fee discount. That is how you get to save as much money as possible.
Shipping Fees
There are many stores that will give you access to free shipping but there are some conditions that exist. You normally have to spend a specific amount. When your intended purchases do not meet the minimum, see if there is something else that can be purchased. By simply buying more you can end up saving money when you take this step. Flat shipping fees can be avoided in so many cases thanks to this opportunity. Here’s a handy list of online retailers that offer free shipping for UK shoppers.
Reward Programs
If your favorite retailer has a loyalty program, there is no reason why you shouldn’t join. That loyalty program does bring in the possibility to save a lot of money on the long run. In many cases there is some sort of money back deal connected with the purchases but other options can appear. If the retailer doesn’t offer reward programs, you can use cashback sites such as Quidco and TopCashback to save even more money.