3 Team-Building Articles You Should Read This Week

The year is about to end, and probably you’re asking yourself what’s best for your company next year.

Are you going to improve your product?
Double your sales target?
Or, level up your people’s teamwork?

As a leader, you know that focusing on teamwork could achieve all. Your people define the strength of your company, and for them to be more productive means you need to unleash their power as a team. Teamwork can skyrocket the productivity and growth of your business.

If you want your business to grow, then it has to start from you. Learn how to motivate and lead your team. And, don’t wait for the new year to kick off your learning. For this week, you can start with these 3 articles on how to develop teamwork.

1. Why Perfectionism Is the Number One Enemy Of Teamwork

Shannon Waller explains that perfectionism can hinder creativity and slows down productivity. It keeps your team from making progress. When your team falls short of your expectations all the time, they would feel that nothing is good enough for you.

If you measure your team’s productivity with your unattainable ideals, this could lead to pessimism and demotivation. When the target is unachievable, people tend to procrastinate. And, when all they expect are criticisms, they become defensive.

If you are committed to developing a winning team, then do away with perfectionism. You get the full collaboration when your team feels safe to make mistakes. Learn the habit of focusing on progress. Notice the little accomplishment and make your team feel proud about it.

Show to your team that just like them you are not perfect too. Admit when you can’t fulfill a promise. Refrain from criticizing when things are not what you expect. Instead, work with your team to understand where you can improve.

2. Encourage Your Employees to Disagree With You

James Kerr says that you can only say that your team has bonded well when they can openly and freely discuss their ideas. To promote a culture of openness, you give everyone permission to speak up. Make it their obligation to disagree with ideas and share their opinions.

While it’s healthy to have disagreements, remind your team to do it with the right motives. Remind them not to use dissent to nurture politics in the office. When they understand that expressing opposing views as part of their job, it means they do it constructively.

You can make a rule that someone can only disagree when they fully understood the other point of view. It means that active listening is necessary. Emphasize that the goal is to come out with the best idea and not with the best argument.

Let them know that they can argue even with your idea. Don’t just encourage dissent but more on coming up with alternative solutions. This practice could help harness the critical thinking of your people. When every discussion is a venue for sharing, it becomes a learning experience for all.

3. Building All-Star Teams

Sidd Pagidipati explains that building an all-star team starts with great individuals. Be sure that you are hands-on in hiring your people and don’t just rely on recruitment agencies. The real stars out there could create their opportunities without the help of an agency. Your challenge is how to find them and keep them.

Keeping them means you pay upscale. Rockstar employees are not cheap but can deliver quality results more than the average ones. Thus, you get more value out of your money. But remember that having all-stars in your team is only the first step. Your next challenge is how to bond them as a team.

If you want to develop a power team, always encourage collaboration. Let the individual members of your team know that you value and believe in their capacity. However, let them understand that the power lies not in the individuals but with a cohesive team. And, the only way to unleash their potential as a team is to work collaboratively.

Moving Forward…

There’s more to building your team than just reading these 3 articles. You can explore further by buying books or finding a team building coach. Or, much better if you discuss with your team on what’s the best option. Getting their inputs is a good start in showing them that you value their opinions.

Acknowledge that you can’t grow your business alone. You need your people to rally with you towards your goals. And, when your people start making your business their business, then expect the inevitable growth of your company to happen.

Developing a team is a challenging journey worth taking. It won’t be easy at times, but keep going. Make the struggles strengthen you. Expect that as your team grows, you also grow with them. If you want them to work as a team, then you should be doing the same. If you want their trust, then be willing to trust.

Growing your team is always a win-win.

They grow.

You grow.

Your business grows.