Usually we just point and laugh at whatever drivel the National Enquirer decides to publish, but the tabloid has just posted information that Steve Jobs only has six weeks to live and is gaining a lot of attention.
Last month, the Apple CEO, who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, said he would be stepping down from the day-to-day responsibilities of running the huge computer company, for a temporary period of time.

The Enquirer has photos of Jobs outside the Stanford Cancer Center in Palo Alto, California. He looks even gaunter and more sickly than ever.
As is being spread through the numerous news publications that have picked up this story, the Stanford Cancer Center is where Patrick Swayze went for treatment in the weeks leading up to his death.
Jobs is more affixed to the company that he runs than any other CEO in the world, some might say. Anything that happens to him can single-handedly cause Apple’s stock price to change wildly.
In 2008, Jobs received a liver transplant and in recent months he appeared to be doing fine, but his presence at even some of the biggest Apple events has been muted and devoid of energy.
Pancreatic cancer is one of the deadliest cancers. Regardless of whether or not the Enquirer’s story is true, Jobs is most definitely suffering right now.