Datel Design’s third-party Xbox 360 controllers, which are stocked at thousands of stores in the US, may be infringing on a whole bunch of Microsoft copyrights.

Video game peripheral maker Datel has come under fire from Microsoft, as it now faces a lawsuit alleging that its third-party Xbox 360 controllers use proprietary trademark technology that goes beyond a typical third-party license.
Based in the UK, Datel offers accessories for all of the major gaming platforms – Wii, PSP, DS, PS3, and Xbox 360.
Typically, console makers have little objection over third-party peripheral options, and more often than not they offer licensing deals to bring more product offerings to the game system. In this case though, alleges Microsoft, Datel flew a bit too close to the sun and violated the licensing agreement.
Datel’s TurboFire and Wildfire controllers, which can be easily found at stores across the country including Best Buy and Wal-Mart, are at the center of the lawsuit.
In a Reuters story, Datel did not return requests for comment. In a prepared statement relating to the lawsuit, Microsoft spokesperson Kevin Kutz said, “We have a robust licensing program that ensures high standards and contributes to a great experience for the Xbox gamer community.”