For most people, the topic of net neutrality, or the process of tiering up Internet service among various users, was put aside a long time ago, but Google and Verizon have apparently been working together on the subject for quite a while.
The Wall Street Journal reports that the two communications giants have been actively coming up with solutions that would improve overall network efficiency.

Among the proposed plans includes a tiered structure for Internet service. Consumers could pay their service providers a little extra every month to basically receive a priority spot and would ensure a more reliable network connection.
Other ideas include restricting certain Web activities, like file sharing, and devoting more resources to other online outlets that are deemed to be more important.
Google and Verizon are two of the biggest supporters of the so-called “net neutrality” prospect, which has been discussed in Washington for years but never reached any sort of solution.
The FCC wrote about Google and Verizon in its blog, saying that while it’s good to keep the discussion going, any deal they come up with “is no substitute for a legally binding, comprehensive agreement in the public interest that covers not only network management but universal service and the other issues rolled up in the larger question whether the FCC even has the authority over broadband.”
The Journal said that Google and Verizon have been talking about this issue for more than 10 months, so obviously even the private sector is having difficulty coming up with a solution to the ever-growing needs of the online ecosystem. My guess is the Internet will just explode at some point, because nothing seems to be working whenever there tries to be a preemptive measure put in place.