The recent seizure of Torrent domains by the US Department of Homeland Security has prompted numerous site owners to register in alternative locations.
According to TorrentFreak, Chinese domains are currently favored, although most sites appear to have purchased multiple backups in various states.
“Countries like China censor for political reason. [However], the US with its [anti-warez] COICA [bill] will censor for copyright and commercial reason,” isoHunt’s Gary Fung told TorrentFreak.

“It’ll be a chilling parallel put into serious question how the US should still be in charge of the much of the internet infrastructure like the root DNS, or how US can continue to claim as the model example for free-speaking democracy.”
Meanwhile, Erik Barnett of Homeland Security’s ICE confirmed that the above-mentioned draconian digital raids were prompted by loud complaints from corporate lackeys.
“In general, what we can say is, there are specific complaints from rights holders that these sites were infringing on copyrights,” said Barnett.