Taking a cue from Facebook, Twitter is offering users more control over what information they share with third-party applications.
The new permission feature grants users a more detailed account of exactly what information each app will be allowed to access before they approve it.

Twitter describes the feature as “an update to help you make more informed choices about the way third-party apps integrate with your Twitter account.”
This includes access to your tweets, retweets, and direct messages.
Users will be able to easily opt out of sharing information by clicking a “No, thanks” button.
In particular, Twitter called out the apps that use access direct messages, stating they will now be forced to ask for permission again.
The post explains that by the end of the month, “applications [which] do not need access to your direct messages will no longer have it, and you can continue to use these apps as usual.”
To revoke access from apps you may have already allowed into your account, you can visit the applications page and remove any third-party items you deem untrustworthy.