House Republicans are planning to hold “multiple hearings” in an effort to roll back a series of controversial Internet regulations recently approved by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
“[We must] use every resource available to halt the regulations,” incoming House Commerce Chairman Fred Upton (Mich.) explained in an official statement obtained by The Hill.
“The FCC’s hostile actions toward innovation, investment and job creation cannot be allowed to stand.”

Chairman of the Communications subcommittee – Rep. Greg Walden (R-Ore.) – concurred with Upton’s assessment and vowed to lead a legislative repeal charge.
“If left unchallenged, this power grab will allow the Commission to regulate any interstate wired or wireless communication on barely more than a whim.”
Meanwhile, incoming vice chairwoman of the trade subcommittee Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) confirmed that she would reintroduce legislation designed to block net neutrality rules.
“Congress must make certain the Internet remains available to our creative economy,” she said.