A third-party application developer known as ChilliFresh claims that Apple has purged more than 5,000 “inappropriate” programs from its iPhone app store.
The shocking statistics were recently confirmed by AppShopper.com, which discovered that approximately 4,000 applications were removed on Friday, February 18.

”While the level of removals is typically about 100 per day, the total remained uncharacteristically high over the weekend,” explained AppleInsider’s Katie Marsal.
“The total number of removed applications is said to have amounted to roughly 3 percent of the entire App Store.”
It should be also noted that Apple has revised its already stringent guidelines to prevent “overtly sexually” programs from making their way into the puritanical iPhone app store.
The new rules – obtained by ChilliFresh of “Wobble iBoobs” fame – reportedly include:
- No images of women in bikinis (ice skating tights are not OK either).
- No images of men in bikinis! (I didn’t ask about Ice Skating tights for men).
- No skin (he seriously said this) (I asked if a Burqa was OK, and the Apple guy got angry).
- No silhouettes that indicate that Wobble can be used for wobbling boobs.
- No sexual connotations or innuendo: boobs, babes, booty, sex – all banned.
- Nothing that can be sexually arousing!!!
- No apps will be approved that in any way imply sexual content (not sure how Playboy is still in the store, but-)…