It seems as if Microsoft’s overpaid patent troll team just can’t wait to get its greedy hands on a lucrative piece of Droid pie.
Yes, Redmond has filed suit in the ITC and US District Court against Motorola for allegedly infringing a grand total of nine MS patents in Android-based smartphones.
The disputed patents reportedly relate to a wide “range” of functionality “embodied” in Motorola’s Android-powered devices, including synchronizing email and monitoring battery power.

“The Microsoft innovations at issue in this case [are what] helps make smartphones ‘smart.’ Indeed, our patents relate to key features that users have come to expect from every smartphone,” claimed Horacio Gutierrez, corporate VP and deputy general counsel of IP and licensing.
“[For example], the ability to send and receive email on-the-go has driven smartphone adoption. Nowadays, everyone expects to receive e-mail from multiple services in real time, read it on their phones, and reply. [But] Microsoft’s Exchange ActiveSync, a proprietary technology that we developed [is what] makes this possible.”
Gutierrez also insisted that Motorola was making unauthorized use of Redmond’s contact and calendar patents.
“Our technology enables people to see their calendar and email contacts on their phone, and to manage calendar and contacts from whatever device they are using. [Of course], people also use smartphones for much more as well: they surf the web, play music and videos, and run apps.
“[Clearly], consumers expect more and more from their smartphones every day, making their phones resemble not so much a phone as a handheld computer. [And] given the wide range of functionality smartphones offer, they also need to be able to display relevant choices for users efficiently. [Our] patented technologies tackle all of these challenges.”
Finally, Gutierrez emphasized that Microsoft maintained a heavy “responsibility” to its customers, partners, and shareholders to safeguard the “billions of dollars” invested in bringing “innovative” software products and services to market.
“[So yes], Motorola needs to stop its infringement of our patented inventions in its Android smartphones.”