As the Google Street View car trolls roads nationwide, it seems to leave a trail of angry citizens in its wake.
Concerned over over what some believe to be a blatant invasion of privacy, Google has taken a lot of heat about its picture-taking caravan of Street View cronies.
One outraged couple went as far as to sue Google in 2008 for invasion of privacy and trespassing when the crew took pictures of their Pennsylvania home.

The couple claimed that the Google Street View car could only have gotten the pictures that appeared in Google Maps from within 1000 feet of their home.
Considering that their property is guarded by acres of land and multiple “no trespasses” signs, the couple determined that this type of picture was simply impossible without the Google crew venturing onto their private land.
The case was dismissed in 2009 at which point the couple appealed the decision. Before it could escalate legally, both Google and the Borings came to an amicable decision.
Two years later, Google admitted to trespassing.
Their penalty? $1.
Yes, it’s not a typo. We’re talking one dollar.
The Boring’s issued a statement through their attorney Gregg Zegarelli “This is one sweet dollar of vindication,” the statement said. ”Google could have just sent us an apology letter in the very beginning, but chose to try to prove they had a legal right to be on our land. We are glad they finally gave up.”
Thankfully, this $1 compensation has appeased two outraged citizens.
Yet, there is no doubt that Google will indeed face more privacy-related legal drama down the round as it continues to snap pictures worldwide.
(Via The Droid Guy)