Are you displeased with AT&T’s new smartphone plan? Well, don’t try complaining to CEO Randall Stephenson – he apparently doesn’t want to hear about it.
Unfortunately, Giorgio Galante found that out the hard way, after sending two letters to Stephenson complaining about the company’s “improved” data policy.

“To my surprise, I received [a] voicemail from AT&T’s executive response staff. The gist is: Thanks for the feedback, and if you bother our CEO again, we’re going to send you a cease and desist letter,” Galante wrote in a blog post.
“Wow. I was expecting a ‘hey thanks and so long’ at best. So what did I send that was so offensive?”
What, indeed? The full text of Galante’s letter can be read here.
Oh, and AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson can reportedly be contacted at:
[email protected] (direct)
[email protected]
phone: 210-351-5401 (direct to his secretary)
fax 210-351-3553
alternate phone: 210-821-4105 (headquarters, press 3, ask for Mr. Stephenson’s office)