Amazon has apparently terminated a Cloud-based server account hosting the controversial WikiLeaks website.
As expected, Senator Joe Lieberman praised the move and demanded that other companies follow Amazon’s lead in boycotting the site – which recently leaked over three million classified documents stolen from various government agencies.
“[Amazon’s] decision to cut off WikiLeaks now is the right decision and should set the standard for other companies WikiLeaks is using to distribute its illegally seized material,” Lieberman said in an official statement obtained and quoted by The Guardian.

“[As such], I call on any other company or organization that is hosting WikiLeaks to immediately terminate its relationship with them.”
Predictably, WikiLeaks reacted angrily to the loss of its digital, Cloud-based refuge.
“WikiLeaks servers at Amazon ousted. Free speech the land of the free. Fine, our $ are now spent to employ people in Europe,” site staff tweeted.
“If Amazon [is] so uncomfortable with the first amendment, they should get out of the business of selling books. WikiLeaks is the first global Samizdat movement [and] the truth will surface even in the face of total annihilation.”
Unsurprisingly, WikiLeaks is already back online.
A trace run by ComputerWorld indicates that the site is currently hosted by a Swedish firm known as Bahnhof Internet AB, which is headquartered in Uppsala, a city approximately 44 miles north of Stockholm.