Louise Vivash was stunned when people starting calling her about her online sex ad, which she did not post but it contained personal information about herself.
34-year-old Aishling Madden was working as a temporary receptionist at Accenture, one of the biggest consulting firms in the world, when she decided to pull a prank on people whose resumes she was able to access through company files.

Madden originally told police that she was at home with friends when she decided to use the contact information from applicant resumes to post sex ads on the Web site gumtree.com.
She said she posted two ads, which contained the names, contact information, and personal details found on the victims’ resumes. She later retracted those statements and said she never published the ads.
But they were published, alright. You can imagine one Louise Vivash’s surprise when she started receiving e-mails and phone calls about a sex ad that “she” posted. It wasn’t long before the posts were linked back to Madden. She was also found guilty of doing the same thing to David Henry, the other victim, whose information Madden received from a recruiting agency.
The exact content of the posts was not released, but it must have been pretty bad because in addition to being convicted to four counts of defamation, Madden was also found guilty on two counts of publishing “grossly offensive” material.
Madden will face sentencing at the end of the month.