Closing arguments are today.
The action was first brought forth by Apple, which is accusing Samsung of blatant infringement on its iPad and iPhone. The company is seeking $2.5 billion in damages.

Samsung not only professed its innocence but decided to get revenge on Apple, and it has a countersuit for nearly $400 million against Apple, saying the iPhone and iPad in fact infringe on Samsung patents.
Inside the courtroom, it has been the stuff of TV dramas. From the arrogant lawyers to the harsh and unwavering lawyer, there have been more than a couple tense moments.
Federal judge Lucy Koh gave each side strict time limits for which they were allowed to presen their case.
Otherwise, she feared, both companies would have tied up the legal system for months as they presented nauseating amounts of evidence, trying to flood the process with paperwork and confuse everyone involved.
There is still the possibility that a last-minute settlement will be made, but the fact that it got all the way to closing arguments leads us to believe that this very significant decision will be rendered by a jury of Samsung’s and Apple’s peers. We’ll see what happens.