Sometimes there are crimes that you just can’t get away with.
Such is the case with a 35-year-old man accused of making an unauthorized entry into the house owned by the late Apple CEO Steve Jobs, but this wasn’t a faithful mourner trying to get close to the memories of his idol.

Instead, Kariem McFarlin has been charged with burglary and selling stolen property. He is accused of taking more than $60,000 worth of computers and jewelry from the residence.
Authorities say that McFarlin had no idea that the house, located in affluent Santa Clara county, was owned by Jobs. They say it was just a coincidence.
“We don’t have any evidence to show his house was targeted. All we know is that it was a random burglary that can happen to people,” said Santa Clara County prosecutor Scott Tsui.
Tsui confirmed that the break-in happened on July 17, and that McFarlin sold a substantial amount of the merchandise that he stole.
He is being held on $500,000 bail. The county’s high-tech crimes unit has been involved in the case.
As for Jobs’s house, it no longer attracts droves of Apple enthusiasts like it did in the weeks following the visionary’s death.
The house has not been sold to a new owner.