A Canadian company called Summify has become the latest notch on Twitter’s bedpost.
The microblogging giant acquired the startup to expand its presence in news content.

Summify specializes in aggregating news articles that have a heavy social footprint – that is, articles that have become viral and are spread throughout Facebook and Twitter.
The acquisition was confirmed by Summify in a blog post on its website. The blog reads:
“Our long-term vision at Summify has always been to connect people with the most relevant news for them in the most time efficient manner … As hundreds of millions of people worldwide are signing up and consuming Twitter, we realised it’s the best platform to execute our vision at a truly global scale. Since Twitter shared this vision with us, joining the company made perfect sense.”
Among the changes that were made to Summify instantly include the requirement of signing up for an account, removing the option to make personal content public, and eliminating some of the integration with apps like the one on iPhone.
Some of Summify’s early devotees are disappointed by the news and rapid changes, but this is obviously a big boost to the small company’s team and could help bolster Twitter’s ever-growing feature list.
For the near future, Summify’s core product will remain but it does plan on scrapping it altogether to build something brand new that is Twitter-optimized.