The almost creepily realistic action figure of Steve Jobs is now the subject of strict legal scrutiny from Apple.
Chinese toymaker InIcons revealed the 12-inch replica of Apple’s visionary leader earlier this month and began taking pre-orders for when the doll begins shipping in February.

Of note is the fact that IcIcons is based in China, which is infamous for its relentless rip-offs and piracy, where Apple has little legal grounds for action.
However, the company has reportedly contacted the company and threatened a lawsuit, especially if there is any intention to sell the figure in the US.
ABC News interviewed IcIcons’s Tandy Cheung, who did not appear the least bit intimidated. “Apple can do anything they like. I will not stop, we already started production,” Cheung said.
Furthermore, Cheung continued, “Steve Jobs is not an actor, he’s just a celebrity… There is no copyright protection for a normal person. Steve Jobs is not a product… so I don’t think Apple has the copyright of him.”
This entire scenario draws a close comparison to a company called MIC Gadget Store, also based in Hong Kong, when it began selling a Steve Jobs action figure. After Apple threatened legal action, though, that company put the figure in a ninja outfit and called it “Pineapple CEO.” It seems InIcons has no intention whatsoever to try to beat around the bush. This is clearly nothing other than a Steve Jobs doll.
“I love [Jobs] very much and I think there are a lot of people like me who want to have his action figure,” Cheung said.