Diet pills are very commonly used for weight loss. These medicines are also referred to as weight loss pills. Such weight loss pills have been in the market for decades, and many of them are readily available over the counter.
But people hardly know that these weight loss pills, that are hugely advertised, have many side effects, some of them can even cause serious health issues while the overdose of few can be fatal.
Here are some of the more significant side effects, that not everyone is aware of.
- Increase in blood pressure is a side effect of the weight loss pills that you might not notice initially, but sustained and prolonged use might increase your blood pressure to dangerous levels. These tablets are not at all recommend, nor safe for the purpose of people with diabetes.
- Some of the weight loss pills are introduced to you as dietary supplements. These are not pills but some supplement that is advanced to be substituted for food, to reduce weight. Such supplements do not require FDA approval and might be using unsafe ingredients. Such diet pills or supplements can cause serious health risks.
- The weight loss pills have diet stimulants that can increase the chances of cardiac arrest. Diet pills or weight loss pills often tend to use drugs that are dangerous and have side effects of increased blood pressure causing a lot of pressure on your heart, increasing the chances of cardiac arrest.
- Most of the times the weight loss pills have certain antidepressants or anti-anxiety drugs which might cause addiction problems. These drugs should not be taken lightly as any over dosage might cause serious health issues apart from creating an addiction to these drugs.
- Some of the weight loss pills are based on the formula to block fat by low absorption of food which may cause fall in nutrient absorption in the body as well. While inhibiting general weakness, it can cause many stomach problems like constipation, bloating and acidity.
- Dehydration is another side effect of weight loss pills. Many pills are merely a combination of diuretic and caffeine which can cause water loss leading to dehydration.
- Nausea and vomiting can be the side effect of your weight loss pill. Yes, the drugs used in such tablets can exhibit the side effect of Nausea and vomiting while prolonged use may cause severe health hazards.
Apart from the above side effects, there are few things that you must know before you start using these pills for weight loss or even recommend one to your friend.
Firstly, take such pills only through a prescription. Although these are available over the counter, yet it saves you consult your physician and choose a safe and recommended dosage.
Secondly, do not trust any TV advert or newspapers reviews on these products they are paid publicity and might not be true.
So, next time you think of an easy way to reduce weight, try not to go very easy on yourself and risk your life with the health issue of pills. Workout, change your diet; improving lifestyle are few things you can start anytime you want to shed some extra kilos.