A new DIY project dubbed DUO has hit Kickstarter, which can best be described as a high-performance 3D sensor for the masses.
The developers behind the initiative claim the unit is the world’s first and only DIY 3D sensing platform.
The kit is available in several configurations, including open hardware plans, molded cases, kits, and fully assembled devices. No matter which kit you choose, there will be open source drivers, an SDK, and software examples available. The developers say that once assembled, the user will have a professional grade platform for 3D sensing using stereo vision.
Key features of the device include high-performance and low latency with low-cost and a fully customizable build using off-the-shelf components. The sensor is a general-purpose solution and offers a general framework for stereo vision experimentation. The hardware and software will be licensed under the Creative Commons.
The 3D sensing platform – which captures information up to 374 frames per second – is deisgned around two cameras, both of which are the PS3 Eye units. The resolution of the camera is either 640 x 480 or 320 x 240, with the DUO offering access to RAW sensor data.
The project is seeking $110,000 and has 28 days to go. So far, over $24,000 has been pledged. A pledge of $10 gets users access to the SDK, $20 or more will secure plans for the DUO, while $40 or more wins instructions, the SDK, and a case for the finished sensor. The full DIY kit is available for $110 or more, while a completed and ready to use DUO is priced at $140.