Even though Stan Lee just turned 90, I wish I had half the guy’s energy. It’s truly amazing how busy the guy’s been these days, and it’s great that he’s not slowing down.
As much as we’d all love to kick back in our later years, the key to longevity is to keep busy, and Lee’s a great example.

As the site ScienceFiction.com confirms, Lee has a new movie project set up, Annihilator, which is his latest superhero. Barry Josephson is on board to produce, and Josephson is a Hollywood vet who was an exec at Sony, and he was also involved in HBO’s Tales From the Crypt. (Josephson is currently an executive producer on the show Bones).
Annihilator also has a screenwriter on board, namely Dan Gilroy, write of The Bourne Legacy and Real Steel. So what exactly is the story of the Annihilator? Here’s what the press release says:
“Annihilator tells the story of a young Chinese expatriate, Ming, who must choose between remaining in prison or enlist in a secret US super soldier program. The program uses targeted genetic enhancements from various animal species.
“Ming chooses to undergo this nearly fatal procedure and through his extreme resolve, gained as a result of his family’s tradition of practicing Qijong and martial arts, he survives. Now, armed with remarkable abilities, he must confront a former rival with his own set of enhanced faculties. Our reluctant hero is forced not only to face his personal demons, but also to defeat the villain who will destroy everything he knows and loves.”

Lee explains that Dan Gilroy’s “story and character is unlike anything I have developed before.” And now is a great time for Lee to come up with a new hero as Phase Two of Marvel’s big screen adaptations is about to begin, culminating with The Avengers 2 in 2015. We’ll have sequels to Captain America, Iron Man, and Thor, but Lee will also be coming to the party with something new that could eventually become a great franchise as well.
Although Josephson’s been in the business forever, he said, “One of my dreams when I became a producer was to work with Stan Lee. Now with Dan Gilroy’s magnificent script, that dream will become a reality.” Will the Annihilator have what it takes to stand toe to toe with Marvel’s best big screen adaptations? Stay tuned…