It’s amazing how much people love to play dead. Whether it’s a George Romero zombie movie, or the Walking Dead show, actors love to put on make-up, lurch around and do their best dead as Romero himself would say.
Now thanks to modern technology, you don’t have to go through hours and hours of make-up to turn yourself into a zombie.

According to GiantFreakinRobot, there’s a website called Dead Yourself, as well as a mobile app you can get from AMC that can turn you into one of the undead, or “a photo realistic walker.”
How this works is you upload or take a picture, and you can choose to superimpose 14 different pairs of zombie eyes, 11 different mouths, and other details you can add to your face to make you look undead. What better way to prepare yourself for the return of the Walking Dead on February 10 than to turn yourself into a zombie, all from the safety of your iPhone.
Although it was very amusing to check out this website, there are some drawbacks to turning yourself into a zombie, the primary one being it can be disturbing to see yourself dead. There’s a well known story that when actor Griffin Dunne went though extensive make-up to look like he was torn apart by a werewolf, he found seeing himself mauled and mutilated in the mirror a very depressing experience.
Eventually Dunne got used to the incredible make-up design Rick Baker created for him, and he got progressively decayed and moldy as the film went on. So please be careful when you transform yourself into a zombie. Most of us don’t want to know what we’re going to look like when we finally kick the bucket until we actually have to, and we’d all like to prolong that experience as long as we can.