You may recall the excitement that surrounded HP’s flagship WebOS-powered Touchpad tablet when it dropped to $99 earlier this year.
You may also remember that it was darn near impossible to find one when it reached that price. It was the only time anyone really cared about the Touchpad, which will go down in history as a monumental HP flop.

Nevertheless, Best Buy knows that customers react to low prices, no matter what the item in question is, and it’s trying to get rid of even more Touchpads.
The retailer is now offering the tablet for $149, with a catch. You have to buy a PC in order to qualify for the deal.
After the $99 fire sale attracted huge demand, HP said it would put some more units on the assembly line, hoping to at least capture some attention without completely killing the Touchpad.
As such, there’s a fresh stock but surely no one is willing to pay the $600 retail price, which is what Best Buy will charge you if you try to return your computer without the $150 tablet in tow.